About the Book

12 to 15 months: When babies move from one step to another in their development, there
may be “regressive crises”; if learning to walk, they may stop talking until this new stage of
development stabilizes.
15 months to 2 years: A temper tantrum is a rude and frequent incomprehensible
behavior. In most cases, it is an immature response to frustration, associated with the need
for autonomy, and lack of internal control.
2 to 3 years: Magical thinking, immature reasoning; there’s room for every possibility in
their minds, without measuring responsibility or consequences. For example, the child
thinks that if he has a superhero cape, he can fly. Some have imaginary friends.
3 to 4 years: Language becomes almost 100% understandable. The vocabulary goes from
hundreds to thousands of words. They can say their first and last names.
4 to 5 years: At this age children are more independent. They can begin to read simple
books, show interest in knowing the process of growth, and how things work. Most children
have already mastered toilet training, and start getting dressed by themselves.
Particular Situations: This chapter may guide you in situations like autism, divorce, and
Common Illnesses in Childhood: I give you general information, but it is not intended to replace your doctor’s advice.
Accident Prevention: Before the age of 6, approximately, a child’s thinking is pre-logical,
so it is easy for children to be involved in unexpected situations, dangerous, and with
serious consequences. Always supervise your children without overprotecting them.
Vaccinations: recommended vaccines.